
Tuesday 6 December 2011

DST 的好处 / Advantages of DST


 由Dr.David Low 医学美容诊所 所提供的 DST技术好处:
  1. 无痕
  2. 更耐久 (根据医学报告显示,第一批于20年前接受DST技术双眼睑制成的案例,双眼皮至今仍然明显可见)
  3. 由日本著名的整容医师 Dr Akihiro Minami 所研发
  4. 恢复期极短 (80%案例可于第二天上班而不会惹人注目)
  5. 无须拆线
  6. 更加自然
  7. 可逆性强(万一不满意效果,亦可作出调整而不会留下疤痕)
  8. 免费复诊/调整至完全满意为止
  9. 由经过专业培训的合格医生执行

Advantages of DST:

1. Scarless
2. Lasting results
3. Invented by Japanese plastic surgeon, Dr Akihiro Minami
4. Short recovery time: ability to return to work within a short duration
5. No removal of stitches needed
6. Natural looking
7. Potentially reversible, should you change your mind

Friday 2 December 2011

DST 缝制无痕双眼皮

交叉式勾双眼皮(Double sutures and twisting method /DST) 手术法是最复杂的双眼皮手术 。


交叉式勾双眼皮(Double sutures and twisting method /DST)不仅可以解决这些不足,还可以保有缝合法的优势,如皱折几乎无痕、自然,并有潜在的可逆性、恢复迅速快(仅需要几天而非几周)。

在埋线法手术 中,折痕的生成是通过永久性地埋入无排斥反应的线(聚丙烯纺织纤维,用于心瓣膜手术),至眼睑的深度软组织。分析显示埋入线通常不会断裂,但埋入线可能切 穿上眼睑的软组织。

交叉式勾双眼皮(DST)矫正了这个问题,并让埋入线更结实,还降低了让埋入线切穿软组织的可能性。首先,把埋入线的一端固定在上眼睑 最结实的组织——睑板(其由坚固的软骨组成);埋入线的另一端与临近的埋入线链接,正如两个连接在一条链上。在打结前,眼睑皮肤下方被捏入埋入线。这就形 成一个坚固且互锁的折皱,极为有效地防止了其切穿或断裂。

以下为部分Dr. David Low完成的 交叉式勾双眼皮 例子:-

Wednesday 30 November 2011

The Durable Non-cutting Double Eyelid Procedure for Asians

New York, NY - An improved non-incisional technique to create double eyelids in Asian patients is reported in the year 2000 issue of Aesthetic Surgery Journal (ASJ), the peer-reviewed publication of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).

Double-eyelid surgery is the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in Japan. Whereas most surgeons in the United States perform cutting-type double eyelid surgery, Japanese women prefer non-incisional techniques. According to the authors of a study appearing in ASJ, current non-incisional techniques for creating double eyelids are either technically complex or do not produce lasting results.

Doctors in Japan and the USA describe an improved procedure that uses double sutures and twists (called DST technique) to create double eyelids in Asian patients. They say the non-incisional procedure is “simple, durable, and virtually scar free.” As described in the article, the method uses only two sutures on each upper eyelid, with the durability explained by the areas of ties and the central twists that result in more secure and therefore longer-lasting results.

double eyelid_1double eyelid_2
double eyelid_3double eyelid_4

The authors performed 1108 cases using the DST method during the past ten years, with no loss of double eyelid line after follow-up periods ranging from one month to seven years (with a mean follow-up time of 32 months). The average operative time ranged from 20 minutes (one side) to 60 minutes (bilateral). Most patients did not require sedation, and the surgeries were performed with only local anesthesia. Complications were minor and rare.

Double eyelids created using the DST method:-

Monday 28 November 2011

眼睑手术 (blepharoplasty)

外貌影响着我们如何感觉我们自己和这个世界。人们对容貌的审视,首先从眼睛开始。一个人的眼睛,特别是微妙的变化常常是表达各种感情和体现人的内在 美和外在美的窗口,故有眼睛为“心灵之窗”的美称。著名作家老舍先生曾写到过:“眼睛能替她的口说出最难以表达的心意与情感”。



传统的双眼皮手术分为 割 与 缝 两种方式。 割式双眼皮意味着在上眼睑利用手术刀切开一道痕,效果永久但会闭上眼时难免会看见其疤痕,有失美观。


而日前最新的技术:交叉式勾双眼皮(Double sutures and twisting method /DST) 手术法则是最复杂的双眼皮手术 。 除了效果持久、还可以保有缝合法的优势,如皱折几乎无痕、自然,并有潜在的可逆性、恢复迅速快,是传统割式与缝式远远无法相比的双眼皮最佳制成术。